Work Today, people young and old, male and female, short and tall work. Employment in today’s fast moving economy almost seems essential. Children start to work at a young age at little jobs like being a newspaper carrier and continue to work into their sixties or later. Work has become an embedded idea that you need to do just like sleeping or eating. Money and the strive for wants and necessities is the key reason why people around the world work. In my family work is essential. My parents work not only as adults, but also as high school students. My family believes that you have to work for what you want. That meant for me to have a car and money to spend, I had to go to work and earn money just like my parents did when they were my age. I really enjoy my job working at Rita’s Italian Ice and I feel that it is important that you enjoy what you are doing and appreciate the rewards you receive from your hard work and dedication. To people of a rich class, work may not be a significant part of their everyday lives. People with a lot of money can pretty much do what they want and purchase whatever they want. Many wealthy people are very intelligent and work hard for their earnings. On the other hand, some people of the wealthy class are born into money. Work to these types of people is not an important part of their everyday lives. They do not need a job in order to receive money for survival. People born into wealth don’t value a dollar the same way a person in the working class would. It is hard for them to understand how satisfying it is to see how hard work pays off. In a lot of countries over the world work is not a rewarding endeavor. In poor nations women and children are forced to work in filthy, unsanitary conditions for less than a dollar a day. The income these people receive after a long day’s work is not nearly a sufficient amount for survival. Most of the factories these people work at are some of the most well known brand names in wealthy countries. The management of these companies is receiving so much money, while the real laborers behind the product are making close to nothing. Work to these people is definitely a part of their everyday lives, but it is obviously not a rewarding one. Work may seem like it was always offered to everyone but that wasn’t always true for females. In earlier times, women were just seen as the person who should stay home with the kids and take care of the house. In some countries that still holds true today, but America has had a significant rise to women in the work force. Many women in America today hold higher paying jobs than men. Women are taking their intelligence and freedom to a whole new level by showing men that they are just as capable as they are to go to work and earn money and to become a successful contributor to the American society. Women today are no longer stuck in the shadows of the “dominant” sex. People of all different backgrounds view work in a different way. To some work may mean more positive rewards than others. On the contrary, work to most is part of their daily routine. Work is like a survival tool; you not only need money to provide necessities but you need work for the experience of challenges, communication skills, and self confidence. Work may not be on the top of peoples’ list of fun things to do, but think of the lessons and maybe even rewards that will confront them in the long run.