Trail: JavaBeans(TM)

This chapter has not yet been updated to reflect features and conventions of the latest release, JDK 6.0.

JavaBeans brings component technology to the Java platform. With the JavaBeans API you can create reuseable, platform-independent components. Using JavaBeans-compliant application builder tools, you can combine these components into applets, applications, or composite components. JavaBean components are known as Beans.

JavaBeans is a core JDK1.1 capability. Any JDK1.1-compliant browser or tool implicitly supports JavaBeans.
This document is a hands-on guide to learning JavaBeans and the Beans Development Kit (BDK). The JavaBeans API Specification provides a complete JavaBeans description.Print out a copy of the JavaBeans specification, and keep it handy when going through this document. The java.awt.dnd API provides support for Drag and Drop between Java applications and native platform applications.

The BDK is available free on the web. In addition to the BDK , you will need the Java Development Kit (JDK).

JavaBeans Concepts and the Beans Development Kit describes what makes a Bean, and describes the Beans Development Kit (BDK).

Using the BeanBox describes basic BeanBox operation, and explains the BeanBox menus.

Writing a Simple Bean walks you through creating a rudimentary Bean, saving the Bean, adding the Bean to the ToolBox, placing the Bean in the BeanBox, inspecting the Bean's properties and events, and generating a Bean introspection report.

Properties explains how to give your Beans properties: Bean appearance and behavior characteristics customizable at design time.

Manipulating Events in the BeanBox describes the BeanBox's event manipulating capabilities. If you are not familiar with event handling, you might want to read up on Event Handling to prepare for this material.

The BeanInfo Interface describes how to write Bean information classes: Separate classes you can use to explicitly advertise your Bean's properties, methods, and events to builder tools.

Bean Customization introduces you to property editors, and the Customizer interface.

Bean Persistence explains how to save and retore your Beans, and their customized state.

Using the BeanContext API is a NEW lesson that covers The Extensible Runtime Containment and Services Protocol, also known as beancontext.

New Features lists upcoming BDK and Beans-related features.

Additional Documentation

A good starting point is the file beans/README.html.

The JavaBeans Documentation page contains current JavaBeans API definitions, upcoming JavaBeans feature descriptions, and related Java documentation such as the Java Core Reflection API, Object Serialization, Remote Method Invocation (RMI), and a third-party JavaBeans book list.

Previous page: Beginning of Tutorial
Next page: JavaBeans Concepts and the Beans Development Kit