import*; class Id { private String id; public double value; public Id(String s, double d) { id = s; value = d; } public boolean equals(Object node) { return id.equals(((Id)node).id); } public String toString() { return id + " = " + value + "; "; } } public class Interpreter { private StreamTokenizer fIn = new StreamTokenizer( new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(; private java.util.LinkedList idList = new java.util.LinkedList(); public Interpreter() { fIn.wordChars('$','$');// include underscores and dollar signs as fIn.wordChars('_','_');// word constituents; examples of identifiers: // var1, x, _pqr123xyz, $aName; fIn.ordinaryChar('/'); // by default, '/' is a comment character; fIn.ordinaryChar('.'); // otherwise "n-123.45" fIn.ordinaryChar('-'); // is considered a token; } private void issueError(String s) { System.out.println(s); Runtime.getRuntime().exit(-1); } private void addOrModify(String id, double e) { Id tmp = new Id(new String(id),e); int pos; if ((pos = idList.indexOf(tmp)) != -1) ((Id)idList.get(pos)).value = e; else idList.add(tmp); } private double findValue(String id) { int pos; if ((pos = idList.indexOf(new Id(id,0.0))) != -1) return ((Id)idList.get(pos)).value; else issueError("Unknown variable " + id); return 0.0; // this statement is never reached; } private double factor() throws IOException { double val, minus = 1.0; fIn.nextToken(); while (fIn.ttype == '+' || fIn.ttype == '-') { // take all '+'s if (fIn.ttype == '-') // and '-'s; minus *= -1.0; fIn.nextToken(); } if (fIn.ttype == fIn.TT_NUMBER || fIn.ttype == '.') { if (fIn.ttype == fIn.TT_NUMBER) { // factor can be a number: val = fIn.nval; // 123, .123, 123., 12.3; fIn.nextToken(); } else val = 0; if (fIn.ttype == '.') { fIn.nextToken(); if (fIn.ttype == fIn.TT_NUMBER) { String s = fIn.nval + ""; s = "." + s.substring(0,s.indexOf('.')); val += Double.valueOf(s).doubleValue(); } else fIn.pushBack(); } else fIn.pushBack(); } else if (fIn.ttype == '(') { // or a parenthesized val = expression(); // expression, if (fIn.ttype == ')') fIn.nextToken(); else issueError("Right parenthesis is left out."); } else { val = findValue(fIn.sval); // or an identifier; } return minus*val; } private double term() throws IOException { double f = factor(); while (true) { fIn.nextToken(); switch (fIn.ttype) { case '*' : f *= factor(); break; case '/' : f /= factor(); break; default : fIn.pushBack(); return f; } } } private double expression() throws IOException { double t = term(); while (true) { fIn.nextToken(); switch (fIn.ttype) { case '+' : t += term(); break; case '-' : t -= term(); break; default : fIn.pushBack(); return t; } } } public void run() { try { System.out.println("The program processes statements in the " + "following format:\n" + "\t = ;\n\tprint \n\tstatus\n\tend"); while (true) { System.out.print("Enter a statement: "); fIn.nextToken(); String str = fIn.sval; if (str.toUpperCase().equals("STATUS")) { java.util.Iterator it = idList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) System.out.println(; } else if (str.toUpperCase().equals("PRINT")) { fIn.nextToken(); str = fIn.sval; System.out.println(str + " = " + findValue(str)); } else if (str.toUpperCase().equals("END")) return; else { fIn.nextToken(); if (fIn.ttype == '=') { double e = expression(); fIn.nextToken(); if (fIn.ttype != ';') issueError("There are some extras in the statement."); else addOrModify(str,e); } else issueError("'=' is missing."); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void main(String args[]) { (new Interpreter()).run(); } }