import java.util.Random; public class IntSkipList { private int maxLevel; private IntSkipListNode[] root; private int[] powers; private Random rd = new Random(); IntSkipList() { this(4); } IntSkipList (int i) { maxLevel = i; root = new IntSkipListNode[maxLevel]; powers = new int[maxLevel]; for (int j = 0; j < maxLevel; j++) root[j] = null; choosePowers(); } public boolean isEmpty() { return root[0] == null; } public void choosePowers() { powers[maxLevel-1] = (2 << (maxLevel-1)) - 1; // 2^maxLevel - 1 for (int i = maxLevel - 2, j = 0; i >= 0; i--, j++) powers[i] = powers[i+1] - (2 << j); // 2^(j+1) } public int chooseLevel() { int i, r = Math.abs(rd.nextInt()) % powers[maxLevel-1] + 1; for (i = 1; i < maxLevel; i++) if (r < powers[i]) return i-1; // return a level < the highest level; return i-1; // return the highest level; } // make sure (with isEmpty()) that skipListSearch() is called for a nonepty list; public int skipListSearch (int key) { int lvl; IntSkipListNode prev, curr; // find the highest non-null for (lvl = maxLevel-1; lvl >= 0 && root[lvl] == null; lvl--); // level; prev = curr = root[lvl]; while (true) { if (key == curr.key) // success if equal; return curr.key; else if (key < curr.key) { // if smaller, go down, if (lvl == 0) // if possible return 0; else if (curr == root[lvl]) // by one level curr = root[--lvl]; // starting from the else curr =[--lvl]; // predecessor which } // can be the root; else { // if greater, prev = curr; // go to the next if ([lvl] != null) // non-null node curr =[lvl]; // on the same level else { // or to a list on a lower level; for (lvl--; lvl >= 0 &&[lvl] == null; lvl--); if (lvl >= 0) curr =[lvl]; else return 0; } } } } public void skipListInsert (int key) { IntSkipListNode[] curr = new IntSkipListNode[maxLevel]; IntSkipListNode[] prev = new IntSkipListNode[maxLevel]; IntSkipListNode newNode; int lvl, i; curr[maxLevel-1] = root[maxLevel-1]; prev[maxLevel-1] = null; for (lvl = maxLevel - 1; lvl >= 0; lvl--) { while (curr[lvl] != null && curr[lvl].key < key) { // go to the next prev[lvl] = curr[lvl]; // if smaller; curr[lvl] = curr[lvl].next[lvl]; } if (curr[lvl] != null && curr[lvl].key == key) // don't include return; // duplicates; if (lvl > 0) // go one level down if (prev[lvl] == null) { // if not the lowest curr[lvl-1] = root[lvl-1]; // level, using a link prev[lvl-1] = null; // either from the root } else { // or from the predecessor; curr[lvl-1] = prev[lvl].next[lvl-1]; prev[lvl-1] = prev[lvl]; } } lvl = chooseLevel(); // generate randomly level for newNode; newNode = new IntSkipListNode(key,lvl+1); for (i = 0; i <= lvl; i++) { // initialize next fields of[i] = curr[i]; // newNode and reset to newNode if (prev[i] == null) // either fields of the root root[i] = newNode; // or next fields of newNode's else prev[i].next[i] = newNode; // predecessors; } } public void display() { System.out.println("Print list:"); for (int i = maxLevel-1; i >= 0; i--) { // print list level by level; for (IntSkipListNode p = root[i]; p != null; p =[i]) System.out.print(p.key + " "); System.out.println("|"); } } }