/************************ Trie.java ******************************* * */ class TrieNode { public boolean isLeaf; } class TrieNonLeaf extends TrieNode { public boolean endOfWord = false; public String letters; public TrieNode[] ptrs = new TrieNode[1]; public TrieNonLeaf() { isLeaf = false; } public TrieNonLeaf(char ch) { letters = new String(); letters += ch; isLeaf = false; } } class TrieLeaf extends TrieNode { public String suffix; public TrieLeaf() { isLeaf = true; } public TrieLeaf(String suffix) { this.suffix = new String(suffix); isLeaf = true; } } class Trie { private TrieNonLeaf root; private final int notFound = -1; public Trie() { } public Trie(String word) { root = new TrieNonLeaf(word.charAt(0)); // initialize the root createLeaf(word.charAt(0),word.substring(1),root); // to avoid later } // test; public void printTrie() { printTrie(0,root,new String()); // assumption: the root is not null; } private void printTrie(int depth, TrieNode p, String prefix) { if (p.isLeaf) { for (int j = 1; j <= depth; j++) System.out.print(" "); System.out.println(" >" + prefix + "|" + ((TrieLeaf)p).suffix); } else { for (int i = ((TrieNonLeaf)p).letters.length()-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (((TrieNonLeaf)p).ptrs[i] != null) { // add the letter corresponding to position i to prefix; prefix = prefix.substring(0,depth) + ((TrieNonLeaf)p).letters.charAt(i); printTrie(depth+1,((TrieNonLeaf)p).ptrs[i],prefix); } else { // if leaf is null; for (int j = 1; j <= depth+1; j++) System.out.print(" "); System.out.println(" >>" + prefix.substring(0,depth) + ((TrieNonLeaf)p).letters.charAt(i)); } } if (((TrieNonLeaf)p).endOfWord) { for (int j = 1; j <= depth+1; j++) System.out.print(" "); System.out.println(">>>" + prefix.substring(0,depth)); } } } private int position(TrieNonLeaf p, char ch) { int i = 0; for ( ; i < p.letters.length() && p.letters.charAt(i) != ch; i++); if (i < p.letters.length()) return i; else return notFound; } public boolean found(String word) { TrieNode p = root; int pos, i = 0; while (true) if (p.isLeaf) { // node p is a leaf TrieLeaf lf = (TrieLeaf) p; // where the matching if (word.substring(i).equals(lf.suffix)) // suffix of return true; // word should be found; else return false; } else if ((pos = position((TrieNonLeaf)p,word.charAt(i))) != notFound && i+1 == word.length()) // the end of word has to if (((TrieNonLeaf)p).ptrs[pos] == null) // correspond return true; // with an empty leaf else if(!(((TrieNonLeaf)p).ptrs[pos]).isLeaf && ((TrieNonLeaf)((TrieNonLeaf)p).ptrs[pos]).endOfWord) return true; // or the endOfWord marker on; else return false; else if (pos != notFound && ((TrieNonLeaf)p).ptrs[pos] != null) { p = ((TrieNonLeaf)p).ptrs[pos];// continue path, i++; // if possible, } else return false; // otherwise failure; } private void addCell(char ch, TrieNonLeaf p, int stop) { int i; int len = p.letters.length(); char[] s = new char[len+1]; TrieNode[] tmp = p.ptrs; p.ptrs = new TrieNode[len+1]; for (i = 0; i < len+1; i++) p.ptrs[i] = null; if (stop < len) // if ch does not follow all letters in p, for (i = len; i >= stop+1; i--) { // copy from tmp letters > ch; p.ptrs[i] = tmp[i-1]; s[i] = p.letters.charAt(i-1); } s[stop] = ch; for (i = stop-1; i >= 0; i--) { // and letters < ch; p.ptrs[i] = tmp[i]; s[i] = p.letters.charAt(i); } p.letters = new String(s); } private void createLeaf(char ch, String suffix, TrieNonLeaf p) { int pos = position(p,ch); TrieLeaf lf = null; if (suffix != null && suffix.length() > 0) // don't create any leaf lf = new TrieLeaf(suffix); // if there is no suffix; if (pos == notFound) { for (pos = 0; pos < p.letters.length() && p.letters.charAt(pos) < ch; pos++); addCell(ch,p,pos); } p.ptrs[pos] = lf; } public void insert(String word) { TrieNonLeaf p = root; TrieLeaf lf; int offset, pos, i = 0; while (true) { if (i == word.length()) { // if the end of word reached, if (p.endOfWord) System.out.println("duplicate entry1: " + word); p.endOfWord = true; // set endOfWord to true; return; } // if position in p indicated pos = position(p,word.charAt(i)); if (pos == notFound) { // by the first letter of word createLeaf(word.charAt(i),word.substring(i+1),p); // does not exist, create return; // a leaf and store in it the } // unprocessed suffix of word; else if (pos != notFound && // empty leaf in position pos; p.ptrs[pos] == null) { if (i+1 == word.length()) { System.out.println("duplicate entry2: " + word); return; } p.ptrs[pos] = new TrieNonLeaf(word.charAt(i+1)); ((TrieNonLeaf)(p.ptrs[pos])).endOfWord = true; // check whether there is any suffix left: String s = (word.length() > i+2) ? word.substring(i+2) : null; createLeaf(word.charAt(i+1),s,(TrieNonLeaf)(p.ptrs[pos])); return; } else if (pos != notFound && // if position pos is p.ptrs[pos].isLeaf) { // occupied by a leaf, lf = (TrieLeaf) p.ptrs[pos]; // hold this leaf; if (lf.suffix.equals(word.substring(i+1))) { System.out.println("duplicate entry3: " + word); return; } offset = 0; // create as many non-leaves as the length of identical // prefix of word and the string in the leaf (for cell 'R', // leaf "EP", and word "REAR", two such nodes are created); do { pos = position(p,word.charAt(i+offset)); // word = "ABC", leaf = "ABCDEF" => leaf = "DEF"; if (word.length() == i+offset+1) { p.ptrs[pos] = new TrieNonLeaf(lf.suffix.charAt(offset)); p = (TrieNonLeaf) p.ptrs[pos]; p.endOfWord = true; createLeaf(lf.suffix.charAt(offset), lf.suffix.substring(offset+1),p); return; } // word = "ABCDEF", leaf = "ABC" => leaf = "DEF"; else if (lf.suffix.length() == offset ) { p.ptrs[pos] = new TrieNonLeaf(word.charAt(i+offset+1)); p = (TrieNonLeaf) p.ptrs[pos]; p.endOfWord = true; createLeaf(word.charAt(i+offset+1), word.substring(i+offset+2),p); return; } p.ptrs[pos] = new TrieNonLeaf(word.charAt(i+offset+1)); p = (TrieNonLeaf) p.ptrs[pos]; offset++; } while (word.charAt(i+offset) == lf.suffix.charAt(offset-1)); offset--; // word = "ABCDEF", leaf = "ABCPQR" => // leaf('D') = "EF", leaf('P') = "QR"; // check whether there is any suffix left: // word = "ABCD", leaf = "ABCPQR" => // leaf('D') = null, leaf('P') = "QR"; String s = null; if (word.length() > i+offset+2) s = word.substring(i+offset+2); createLeaf(word.charAt(i+offset+1),s,p); // check whether there is any suffix left: // word = "ABCDEF", leaf = "ABCP" => // leaf('D') = "EF", leaf('P') = null; if (lf.suffix.length() > offset+1) s = lf.suffix.substring(offset+1); else s = null; createLeaf(lf.suffix.charAt(offset),s,p); return; } else { p = (TrieNonLeaf) p.ptrs[pos]; i++; } } } }