import*; import; public class FileHashing { private final int bucketSize = 2, tableSize = 3, strLen = 20; private final int recordLen = strLen; private final byte empty = '*', delMarker = '#'; private long[] positions; private BufferedReader buffer = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(; private RandomAccessFile outfile; private RandomAccessFile sorted; private RandomAccessFile overflow; public FileHashing() { } private void print(byte[] s) { // print a byte array; for(int k = 0; k < s.length; k++) System.out.print((char)s[k]); } private long hash(byte[] s) { long xor = 0, pack; int i, j, slength; // exclude trailing blanks: for (slength = s.length; s[slength-1] == ' '; slength--); for (i = 0; i < slength; ) { for (pack = j = 0; ; j++, i++) { pack |= (long) s[i]; // include s[i] in the rightmost if (j == 3 || i == slength - 1) { // byte of pack; i++; break; } pack <<= 8; } // xor at one time 8 bytes from s; xor ^= pack; // last iteration may put less } // than 8 bytes in pack; return (xor % tableSize) * bucketSize * recordLen; }// return byte position of home bucket for s; private byte[] getName() throws IOException { System.out.print("Enter a name & phone#: "); String s = buffer.readLine(); for (int i = s.length(); i < recordLen; i++) s += ' '; return s.getBytes(); // s => line } private int comparesTo(byte[] s1, byte[] s2) { // same length for (int i = 0; i < s1.length; i++) // of s1 and s2 if (s1[i] != s2[i]) // is assumed; return s1[i] - s2[i]; return 0; } void insert() throws IOException { insertion(getName()); } void insertion(byte[] line) throws IOException { byte[] name = new byte[recordLen]; boolean done = false, inserted = false; int counter = 0; long address = hash(line);; while (!done && != -1) { if (name[0] == empty || name[0] == delMarker) {*recordLen); outfile.write(line); done = inserted = true; } else if (comparesTo(name,line) == 0) { print(line); System.out.println(" is already in the file"); return; } else counter++; if (counter == bucketSize) done = true; else*recordLen); } if (!inserted) { done = false; counter = 0;; while (!done && != -1) { if (name[0] == delMarker) done = true; else if (comparesTo(name,line) == 0) { print(line); System.out.println(" is already in the file"); return; } else counter++; } if (done)*recordLen); else; overflow.write(line); } } private void delete() throws IOException { byte[] line = getName(); long address = hash(line);; int counter = 0; boolean done = false, deleted = false; byte[] name = new byte[recordLen]; while (!done && != -1) { if (comparesTo(line,name) == 0) {*recordLen); outfile.write(delMarker); done = deleted = true; } else counter++; if (counter == bucketSize) done = true; else*recordLen); } if (!deleted) { done = false; counter = 0;; while (!done && != -1) { if (comparesTo(line,name) == 0) {*recordLen); overflow.write(delMarker); done = deleted = true; } else counter++;*recordLen); } } if (!deleted) { print(line); System.out.println(" is not in database"); } } private void swap(long[] arr, int i, int j) { long tmp = arr[i]; arr[i] = arr[j]; arr[j] = tmp; } private int partition(int low, int high) throws IOException { byte[] rec = new byte[recordLen]; byte[] pivot = new byte[recordLen]; int i, lastSmall; swap(positions,low,(low+high)/2);[low]*recordLen);; for (lastSmall = low, i = low+1; i <= high; i++) {[i]*recordLen);; if (comparesTo(rec,pivot) < 0) { lastSmall++; swap(positions,lastSmall,i); } } swap(positions,low,lastSmall); return lastSmall; } private void sort(int low, int high) throws IOException { if (low < high) { int pivotLoc = partition(low, high); sort(low, pivotLoc-1); sort(pivotLoc+1, high); } } private void sortFile() throws IOException { byte[] rec = new byte[recordLen]; sort(1,(int)positions[0]); // positions[0] contains the # of elements; for (int i = 1; i <= positions[0]; i++) { // put data from[i]*recordLen); // outfile in sorted order; sorted.write(rec); // in file sorted; } } // data from overflow file and outfile are all stored in outfile and // prepared for external sort by loading positions of the data to an array; private void combineFiles() throws IOException { byte[] rec = new byte[recordLen]; int counter = bucketSize*tableSize;;; while ( != -1) { // transfer from if (rec[0] != delMarker) { // overflow to outfile only counter++; // valid (non-deleted) items; outfile.write(rec); } } positions = new long[counter+1];; // load to the array positions int arrCnt = 1; // of valid data stored in output file; for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++) {*recordLen);; if (rec[0] != empty && rec[0] != delMarker) positions[arrCnt++] = i; } positions[0] = --arrCnt; // store the number of data in position 0; } public void processFile(String fileName) { char command = '1'; byte[] line = new byte[recordLen]; String commandLine; try { (new File(".\\","outfile")).delete(); (new File(".\\","overflow")).delete(); (new File(".\\","sorted")).delete(); RandomAccessFile fIn = new RandomAccessFile(fileName,"rw"); outfile = new RandomAccessFile("outfile","rw"); sorted = new RandomAccessFile("sorted","rw"); overflow = new RandomAccessFile("overflow","rw"); for (int i = 1; i <= tableSize*bucketSize*recordLen; i++) outfile.write(empty); // initialize outfile; while ( != -1) // load fIn to outfile; insertion(line); printFile("outfile",outfile); printFile("overflow",overflow); while (command != '3') { System.out.print("Enter your choice " + "(1. insert, 2. delete, 3. exit): "); commandLine = buffer.readLine(); command = commandLine.charAt(0); if (command == '1') insert(); else if (command == '2') delete(); else if (command != '3') System.out.println("Wrong command entered, please retry."); printFile("outfile",outfile); printFile("overflow",overflow); } combineFiles(); printFile("outfile",outfile); sortFile(); printFile("sorted",sorted); outfile.close(); sorted.close(); overflow.close(); fIn.close(); (new File(".\\","names")).delete(); (new File(".\\","sorted")).renameTo(new File(".\\","names")); } catch (IOException ioe) { } } private void printFile(String name, RandomAccessFile f) throws IOException { byte ch = '1'; RandomAccessFile outf = new RandomAccessFile("hash.out","rw");; System.out.println(name); outf.writeBytes(name + "\n");; while (true) { for (int i = 1; i <= bucketSize; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= recordLen; j++) { try { ch = f.readByte(); } catch (EOFException e) { System.out.println(); outf.write('\n'); outf.close(); return; } System.out.print((char)ch); outf.write(ch); } System.out.print('|'); outf.write('|'); } System.out.println('|'); outf.write('|'); outf.write('\n'); } } static public void main(String args[]) { String fileName = ""; InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(; BufferedReader buffer = new BufferedReader(isr); FileHashing fClass = new FileHashing(); try { if (args.length == 0) { System.out.print("Enter a file name: "); fileName = buffer.readLine(); } else fileName = args[0]; } catch(IOException io) { System.err.println("Cannot open " + fileName); } fClass.processFile(fileName); } }